Veida is your opportunity to engage with, challenge and shape Noam’s ideology! We shed our chanich and madrich labels making everyone equal as delegates. Veida is an amazing opportunity to connect with Noam friends, build kehilah (community), and immerse yourself in the Noam bubble.
Come and join us in deciding what events and campaigns we should run, what we believe in and even how camp works. You can change just about anything in Noam at Veida – you just have to convince the other Noamniks in the room! There will be loads of fun, exciting and idealogical peulot run by delegates of all ages so you don’t want miss out!
For all Noamniks year 9 and up, sign up below!
For the first time ever, we are also selling day-tickets for those who are unable to attend all four days!
Examples of recent motions that have changed Noam include being ideologically vegetarian and having mini-machanot camp reunions!
Make your voice heard!
If you want to help shape Noam, then please contact Ayela or Miki, or you can give us a call!
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