
Noam Newsletter
Friday 21st April 2023

30th Nisan 5783

Dear <<First Name>>,
Welcome to the first edition of the rebooted Noam newsletter! In this week's email we've got:
  • a drash about the parsha;
  • everything you need to know about upcoming Noam events;
  • jokes, memories and more!

This Shabbat

This week's parsha is Tazria-Metzora.
Shabbat comes in at 19:53 and goes out at 21:00.

Read on for a short drash about the parsha written by Kezzy Miller, an Israel Tour chanicha from last summer who will be a madricha on machane this year. She recently participated in 'Mind the Gap', our inclusive Jewish upskilling programme for anyone who feels that their Jewish education has been impacted due to their gender.

"Parsha Tazria Metzora is a double parsha that is being read in shul this week. Parsha Tazria goes into detail about God telling Moses about the purification rituals after a mother gives birth to a child. This includes going to a mikvah, followed by identifying and responding to leprosy infections. In Parsha Metzora, God describes purification for skin diseases and gives instruction to Moses and Aaron about the emission of bodily fluids.

When thinking about and reading this parasha, I thought about the mikvah, its use and the way that its function can be interpreted in the modern day. The mikvah represents a sense of purity. It was traditionally only used by women, seven days after her period has ended, as well as at other important stages in her life. Mikvoth have been used and preached about since ancient times where they were used for ritual immersions, but in the modern day they can be seen in any lights.

Whether it is a discussion about cleaning the ‘impurity’ of one's period, or just a way to get closer to God by plunging oneself into spirituality, there are many discussions to be had about the mikvah and its functions for Jewish individuals. Following on from this, I have been thinking about the way that Jewish individuals connect with God and ‘purify their spirits', and the way in which they do this, whether through prayer, use of a mikvah, or other less traditional approaches for connecting with God. Everyone connects with God in some way, whether it is traditional or not and thinking about the way in which you do this and making it a practice to become closer to your religion helps you to grow & flourish as a Jewish individual."

What's going on?

Yom Masorti

For the first time in several years, Yom Masorti - a day of celebration, connection and conversation with the Masorti community - is back.

There is a whole afternoon of Noam programming for 5-15 year olds, with tickets just £5. This is a great chance for chanichim (participants) to enjoy some Noam games, get stuck into arts and crafts activities and meet other Noamnikim.

For adults, there's a fascinating schedule full of talks, interactive sessions and discussions with something for everyone which you can read all about here. For those of you wanting to reminisce about pre-camps of years gone by, there's even a classic Rabbinic Death Match to look forward to!
Sign-Up for Yom Masorti Here!
May/June Kaytana

Kaytana is back next half term from Tuesday 30th May - Friday 2nd June, in an exciting new location!

Open to all primary school aged children (Reception to Year 6), join us at New London Synagogue for a half term of Noam fun and games with our amazing madrichim (leaders).

For those who are coming on camp in the summer, or just thinking about it, this is a fantastic opportunity to make friends with people who you could be on camp with!

Click here for more information and the sign-up form!
Kaytana Sign-Up Form
Camp Meet-Ups

We are running meet-ups before Summer Camp, to give chanichim (participants) the chance to get to know each other and their madrichim (leaders) before machane (camp) starts.

The meet-ups will be on Sunday 21st May in Golders Hill Park. Please see specific year group timings below:
  • Shorashim (Years 5-6): 1:30-3:00pm
  • Nevatim (Years 7-8) 3:15-4:15pm
  • Nofim (Years 9-10): 4:30-5:30pm
Summer Camp

Nofim (Year 9-10) is sold out and there are only a few spots left on Shorashim (Year 5-6) and Nevatim (Year 7-8).

Sign up here to secure your place and make sure you don't miss out on the summer of a lifetime!

If you have any questions don't hesitate to be in touch.
Please call 0208 349 6650 or email [email protected]!

Noam Memory of the Week

"I went on Veida in 2019 and Zack, Charlotte and I went on a walk to put up an eruv. We didn't know our way around the site but figured we'd be ok. Unfortunately we didn't reckon on the incredibly deep and large patch of mud we'd all walk into and get stuck in. We had to shower fully clothed that night."

Dorothy Sherrat

Joke of the Week

A priest, a rabbi, and an imam walk into a bar.
The bartender says, "Is this some kind of joke?"

And that's it - V'zehu - וזהו

If you want to contribute a joke, a Noam memory, a drash about an upcoming parsha or there's someone in the community you think we should be celebrating drop us an email or message!

Keep updated with Noam and all of our amazing programmes on social media! To follow us on Instagram click here, for our TikTok click here, and for Facebook here.

If you have any questions or would like any further information, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Shabbat Shalom,
The Noam Mazkirut
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The Noam Masorti Youth newsletter aims to provide articles of interest on Noam and Masorti events for the members and the parents of members of Noam Masorti Youth. 

The newsletter is produced by Sam at Masorti Judaism. Please email [email protected] if you have any comments about this newsletter.
Copyright © 2023 Masorti Judaism, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Alexander House. 3 Shakespeare Road. London N3 1XE

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